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Multimedia Process Essay

This is the multimedia essay from task three.

Purpose of Multimedia Product

The purpose of this video was to introduce the concept of values in the workplace. My organization recently rolled out an updated set of core values and they requested a module that would help promote these new ideas and get buy-in among staff. The goal of the video was to serve as the introduction to values in the workplace. After watching this video learners would progress through a module and complete a range of activities on the topic. After watching the video learners were expected to be able to define Kaplan’s values and describe how their personal values may relate, or at times conflict, with our company values.

I have included this video on my portfolio website in order to demonstrate my skills with e-learning animation and voiceover. The video shows that I am capable of using a common tool within the industry to create educational videos. It also shows that I can take an idea from a simple storyboard through to a finished design successfully. Including this video on my website will help me appeal to potential clients and employers.

Target Audience

The target audience for this video was Kaplan employees. All full and part time employees were required to watch this video and complete the corresponding course. Independent contractors and consultants on retainer were also encouraged to view the video, however, they were not required to watch given their employment status with the company. Now that this video is being served on my portfolio website, the target audience is potential clients and employers.


Software Choice

I chose to use Powtoons, an animation software, to create this video. I opted for Powtoons because my client requested an animated video, but their budget was limited. Powtoons is a tool which I already have a subscription for via my company. Additionally, by using Powtoons I was able to rapidly prototype and design an animated video in less time than a more complex software would take, thus reducing the cost of labor. According to the PowToons website, one can leverage readymade, “…characters, footage, or upload your own videos and images to easily customize your new video with just a few clicks.” To make a video in PowToons one simply drags objects into a scene, and sets the timing, animation range, etc. for each object. This makes it an incredibly efficient tool to build videos in. Because I have a business account with PowToons I was able to pull in characters and templated scenes I built previously thus reducing production time.  

In addition to the drag and drop features, PowToons provides a built-in voiceover tool. This allowed me to complete the entire project in one platform. While other products such as Adobe Captivate or Storyline have this feature, they do not have the ability to create animated characters with a wide range of motion. Given my budget, timeline, and the client’s preferences, PowToons was a clear winner when selecting the software to develop in.




To create this video, I started by drafting the learning objectives. Once I had a clear idea of what the learner needed to do by the end of the video, I created a storyboard and script. Next, I reviewed the storyboard and script to ensure the content aligned with the objectives. Once I was happy with the alignment, I began creating the video using PowToons. The first step was to record the voiceover narration. Next, I began to design the scenes and add custom elements that would help create a real sense of space and perspective. Once the scenes were set I added in characters, text, and other graphics content. Then I began work on the animation timing. With each slide I worked on the timeline to ensure the audio and video were synchronized. Once the video was complete, I did a quality assurance review to check for broken animation or typos. After this review I clicked publish and completed my video.


Conceptual Framework

A storyboard and outline were used to create the conceptual framework. (See Appendix A and B).


Conceptual Framework Discussion

Using a storyboard and outline greatly improved the design and development process. By starting with an outline, I was able to clearly articulate the objectives of the video. Additionally, scripting the content allowed me to speak in a more organized manner and ensure I stayed on topic. Once the outline and script were drafted, I created a storyboard. The storyboard was made by creating rough sketches of the scenes in PowToons and aligning this with the objectives. This allowed me to ensure that each scene served the learning. It also helped ensure the content flowed in a logical manner and that each objective was clearly addressed. Lastly, the conceptual framework tools helped me to avoid extraneous material that may be distracting for the learner.



Make Video for Training. (n.d.). Retrieved September 15, 2020, from

Campos, J. (2016). Re: Animated characters in Storyline [Web log comment]. Retrieved September 15, 2020, from't%20possible%20to,then%20import%20into%20your%20course.









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